How Your Snapshot Could Become Its Oklahoma City Listing’s Hero
The “hero shot” is what advertising agency folks call a photograph that makes a product the “star” of its surrounding layout. The product can be a cereal box or a Mack truck—large or small; it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that the product appears at its most appealing.
In local real estate terms, the hero shot for a home being offered for sale is the glamour shot that appears at the top of the Oklahoma City listing. For professionals to create that photo, they use the latest equipment to capture the image, then refine it through top-notch processing software to enhance it further. But when it comes to making sure your own home is represented by the best possible real estate hero shot, there can be exceptions to the wisdom of relying exclusively on a professional’s “eye” and experience. Sometimes the homeowner’s own photo is superior. The pros will readily admit it.

Those exceptions occur when alert homeowners seize on once-in-a-blue-moon conditions that make for an arresting photo. That can happen when a seasonal change in a property’s landscape happens to create a gorgeous backdrop—something that can’t be emulated at any other moment. In New England, that can occur at a magic moment during peak foliage season when the leaves are just so (and the sun cooperates). In Arizona, it could be a stunning sunset when the cacti are blossoming in the front yard. In Washington D.C., when the cherry blossoms are out, and the pool cover has just come off…
Homeowners know when their Oklahoma City property looks its best—if that creates an image that is noticeably superior to what it looks like at any other time, that could turn out to be the single best hero shot for a future Oklahoma City listing.
The important point is for Oklahoma City homeowners to take their casual snapshot-taking more seriously. If you should decide to put your home on the market, the result might turn out to be invaluable. Today’s smartphones are actually capable of incredibly advanced image-making. So keep an eye out for those “magic” moments, and be ready to take some snaps of the house. Do be careful to hold the phone still—and to take several different angles, from up high and down low. If one of those once-in-a-blue-moon amateur shots turns out to be the hero, it can be worth its weight in gold!
Eye-catching photos go a long way toward creating a listing that captures prospective buyers—but that’s only a first step. Call me when it nears time to put your