Oklahoma City Easter: Is It Really Early This Year?
Oklahoma City real estate agents are like everyone else when it comes to Easter Sunday. There is the holiday part, the spiritual part, and the kids-searching-for-hidden-Easter-eggs part. The day can also serve as a sort of mental signpost that reads “Spring is here!” (or something like that). When I think back to major events that happened around this time in years past—like memorable spring vacations—Easter is usually the clearest mental reference point: This happened just before Easter or that happened a couple of weeks after Easter. I bet I’m not alone in that.

But for Oklahoma City real estate agents, this time of year has some other, distinctly professional overtones. It’s the time of year when keeping a clear calendar becomes more necessary than ever because the phones start ringing like crazy, and the scheduling calendar needs constant vigilance lest appointments overlap (we don’t let that happen).
Now that we’re on the subject of Oklahoma City’s Easter and this year’s calendar, doesn’t it seem as if the 2018 edition arrives earlier than usual? Checking into this yielded two pieces of information—one of which is relevant.
The date for Easter moves from year to year—it’s dependent on the lunar calendar, falling on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox (no wonder regular people have to go to Wikipedia to figure it out). That puts it anywhere from late March to mid-April. So yes, this year it’s a little earlier than usual.
The second piece of Easter trivia was just something that’s always seemed a little bit irregular about the traditional White House Easter Egg Roll. Isn’t it actually more of a hunt than a roll? The answer seems to be that it’s both. A few lucky tots get to push their Easter eggs down designated ribbon-designated lanes using what look like colorful spatulas, but all the others get to stampede across the lawn, snatching up eggs (or wooden replicas of eggs) in complete and utter child pandemonium.

I hope you and any little ones with whom you are lucky enough share this year’s Oklahoma City Easter have a delightful, appropriately colorful Sunday. But should any questions arise about how the Easter Bunny happens to have baskets full of chicken eggs, please don’t call me—I’ll never figure that one out. For Oklahoma City real estate matters, on the other hand, please do call!